Gynecologist salary ranges between $87,875 – $290,580, Health workers compensation report puts the average annual salary at $201,000, this includes bonuses, allowances, paid vacation and Insurance. Though the earnings vary from one region to another. In the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the median salary for all OB/GYNs was $301,737. This is higher than most gynecologist salary in other countries.
Gynecologist in the United States are one of the highest paid in the healthcare industry, with gynecologist among the 15 top-tier earners in the industry. Recent report has shown increase in earnings by gynecologist, with the Northwest and Northcentral having the highest average salary earnings.
A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in treating women’s reproductive systems. Many gynecologists also have certifications to work as an obstetrician, who deal with pregnancy and childbirth.
Gynecologist Salary
The salary of a gynecologist is one of the best with peaks and benefits, they earn between $87,875 – $290,580, with starters and academia at the bottom. Most top earners are in private practice are in mid-town cities and rural areas.

Gynecologist salary
The average gynecologist salary is $201,000, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US puts the median salary at $301,737 for a gynecologist with obstetrics certifications. The salary includes allowances, insurances, relocation packages, and paid vacations, the earning satisfaction in this profession is above 60% when male and female gynecologist were polled.
A gynecologist can control their time to an extent, about 32% of them work between 30-40 hours per week, and 17% work between 46-60 hours per week. Those in the academia have more time and can plan vacations easily also they are not usually under productivity pressure.
A gynecologist salary without an obstetrics certification may receive lower pay when compared to their colleagues trained as OB/GYN. An Ob/Gyn can earn between $40-$100/per, this depends on factors earlier discussed and seniority.
Gynecologist Job Description
A gynecologist job description revolves round the reproductive system of women, they also aid in child-birth. Many gynecologist are also trained to be obstetrician. They are doctors needed by women at various stages of their life.
Gynecologists basically diagnose and treat various types of diseases of the female reproductive organs like hormonal imbalances, disorders of the urinary tract, cervical cancer, pelvic disorders and breast cancer.
- A gynecologist also helps women to protect themselves from communicable diseases.
- They keep relevant medical and government records of births and mortality.
- They care for woman throughout her entire pregnancy from prenatal, natal, and post-natal care.
- Gynecologists perform various surgical procedures like cesarean operations if a woman is having a difficult delivery.
- They educate and advice on fertility issues and family planning to women of reproductive age
- The advice patient on health promotion, and provides patient education on weight loss, diet, exercise, personal hygiene and preventive care for diseases and cancer.
Gynecologist Education
A gynecologist is a physician who has undergone training in the field of medicine for a period of 13-18 years, usually most gynecologist have certification in obstetrics. Students must have a 4 years bachelors undergraduate degree in a science related field or must have taken courses in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
You will then sit and pass the Medical College Admission Test
This is will lead to another 3-8 years of residency where clinical rotations, and practice is involved. This will be followed by internship, fellowship and board examination. And any other certifications required to practice as a gynecologist.
Education is a lifelong exercise in the medical field, gynecologist often move to a sub-specialty within the field and learn more about the profession and practice.
The Gynecologist may also be a licensed obstetrician, that is why the are often referred to as OB/GYN. The gynecologist salary is one of the best in the medical industry and the demand is relatively high.